
Early Medieval Ireland 431-1169 / Matthew Stout

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This book is the first narrative history of early medieval Ireland in a single volume. It takes the reader from the foundations of a Celtic culture on the island of Ireland to the arrival of Christianity prior to 431, and on to the uneven conquest of that culture by the Anglo-Normans in 1169. Designed to provide an entry-level narrative to this formative period in Irish History, it also contextualises the artistic, literary and architectural achievements of the age. The book is profusely illustrated with over 100 maps, photographs and diagrams, along with extensive extracts from primary source material. As such, it provides a 'one-stop shop' for the history of early medieval Ireland for students and the general reader.

Early Medieval Ireland guides the reader through the unfamiliar landscape of Ireland's 'Golden Age'. Each chapter has a location map and a directory to the people and kingdoms that are featured, along with a guide to the pronunciation of Early and Middle Irish vocabulary. Extensive endnotes highlight the controversies that surround many aspects of early Irish history. These notes, and an exhaustive, up-to-date bibliography, provide signposts to further reading and research.