
O Meachair The Story of a Clan

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The O Meachair Clan has a rich and varied history which includes tales of saints, scholars,warriors, traitors, fidelities and treachories. Any name that spans hundreds of years is certain to be painted and tainted by many noble and ignoble events. The O Meachair name is no exception.nnnnO Meachair is the name of an ancient Irish clan whose homeland was the small barony of Ikerrin in northeast Tipperary.The prolonged policy on the part of the British authorities to subject the Irish , and to destroy their culture, resulted in the widespreaddispersalof the old Gaelic clans. It was not until the subsequent Cromwellian confiscations of the mid-seventeenth century, and the granting of their lands to the English planters, that the O Meachair clan was finally dispersed.nnnnIrish names such as O Meachair,( or the more common Anglicised versions, Maher, Meagher, Marr) are found on every continent. The name O Meachair is synonymous with Ireland's plight throughout the centuries.