
Pandas: Muckeen and the Big Freeze

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It's snowing and Muckeen is looking forward to lots of fun! But - Oh! - where is his dinner? And the water has frozen. What will poor Muckeen do? Trapped in his shed, he is not happy at all.

Then he hears a sound: Scrape! Scrape! What can it be? It's Mr and Mrs Farmer. They've dug their way to his shed. But they don't have a food bucket with them. No, instead they're carrying a duvet!

They wrap Muckeen in the duvet and take him back to the house. Muckeen gets a huge surprise: as well as the cat and dog, there in the house are all the other animals of the farm - the sheep, the horse, the cows, and the chickens and ducks! They're all lovely and warm while the storm beats down outside.

And next day Muckeen has great fun. Mr Farmer finds his old skis and teaches his favourite pig how to ski!