
Shane MacGowan Songsmith - Picturing the Pogue / Padraig O Flannabhra

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Shane MacGowan : SONGSMITH  is the new collection of many previously unpublished Images of  SHANE MacGOWAN, lead singer of the Pogues by Photographer Pádraig O Flannabhra.

It is to be published later this Autumn and it is in support of UNICEF–United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, in helping PalestinianChildren in the west Bank and Gaza Strip, who are battling with hunger every waking minute.The images of the book form three distinct categories: The first section is from that ‘once -in- a -blue -moon’ occasion: A MONDAY NIGHT IN POCÁN  of the 6th January 1986, Little Christmas or Nollaig na mBan, when the Pogues performed their one and only Concert in SHANE MacGOWAN’S home village of Pocán, Co. Tipperary, at Kennedy’s Lounge .

The middle section is a series of Twelve Black & White Portraits made at the Photographer’s Studio in Silver Street, Nenagh ,when SHANE MacGOWAN  sat for his Portrait Session—-‘The Twelve Shanes of Christmas’ in 2003. It was a session that the famous Pogue took sheer delight in playing up to the camera lens . He was totally relaxed and care free in the surroundings of the Studio.The resulting Portraits say it all!


The third and final section  of the book, shows the late Pogue’s funeral service and farewell at St. Mary’s of the Rosary Church in Nenagh,Co. Tipperary, on 8th December 2023, which has often been described  as the ‘send off’ of all ‘send offs’, when celebrities from all walks of life came to pay their respects to the Wordsmith and lyrical Songsmith.

The images for the most part have been lying on the Photographer’s files for decades and only now are they seeing the light of day for the first time .It is a visual reminder of the Pogues frontman SHANE Mac GOWAN in his native Tipperary ,as depicted by the Photographer.The book is casebound and fine art printed in Ireland with 136 pages with caption’s ‘as Béarla’ and ‘as Gaeilge ‘ .

The  Black &White Portrait  on the cover is in square format from a 120 roll film on Hasselblad Camera, showing a relaxed Shane MacGowan, as he sticks his fingers in his ears ,while playfully smiling at the Camera lens in the Photographer’s Studio, in Silver Street, Nenagh.

SONGSMITH : Picturing the Pogue SHANE MacGOWAN is a play on the words ‘MacGabhann’ meaning ‘Son of the Smith’ ,as well as a nod to his lyrical genius as a ‘Word-Smith’ and ‘Song- Smith’.

It is published by Cló Chollchnó Press, with Foreword by musician and founding  member of the Pogues, SPIDER STACY .The introduction is by  Photographer PÁDRAIG Ó FLANNABHRA  and is his tenth Photographic collection.