
Essential Work Experience Handbook

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Updated handbook for students for use and reference during their work placement
as part of their FETAC course.

  • New to this edition:
    • Highlights the major changes in the Irish economy and the changing nature of work post-Celtic Tiger
    • Provides details of all recent changes in employment and health and safety legislation
  • Develops students’ job-finding skills and interview techniques
  • Provides key information on employment rights, employment, legislation and equality issues
  • Highlights the importance of global, technological and demographic trends in relation to job seeking
  • The Learner Record guides the student through -Planning and preparation -Experience in the workplace -Review & evaluation of the work experience

WRITTEN FOR: Work Experience module of all FETAC courses 1: The Changing Nature of Work
Chapter 2: Learner Record Pt. 1 – Planning and Preparation for Work Experience
Chapter 3: Learner Record Pt. 2 – Experience in the Workplace
Chapter 4: Learner Record Pt. 4 – Work Experience Review and Evaluation
Chapter 5: Skills Demonstration
Chapter 6: Industry Analysis
Chapter 7: Work Based Learning (APEAL)
Student Workbook
Work Experience Diary