
We'll Meet Again : Irish Deathbed Visions - Who You Meet When You Die / Colm Keane

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We do not die alone - that's the remarkable conclusion of We'll Meet Again, an extraordinary new book by Colm Keane examining deathbed visions. The book recounts how dead parents, children, brothers, sisters and close friends are among those who return to meet us as we die. Well-known religious figures appear less frequently, while beautiful landscapes are sometimes observed by those who are passing away. Featuring a riveting collection of 70 real-life stories from all corners of Ireland, north and south, We'll Meet Again also hears from those left behind who describe after-death visitations and other strange occurrences.

The latest scientific evidence is examined. We'll Meet Again, written by award-winning journalist Colm Keane, is the first Irish book on this intriguing phenomenon and one of the most challenging studies ever compiled on this fascinating theme.